Home » Chilla’s Art: Jisatsu, New Game Announced

Chilla’s Art: Jisatsu, New Game Announced

Chilla's Art's Final Game of 2023

by James

Chilla’s Art have just announced their final game releasing in 2023, Jisatsu

A flahslight illuminates a dark forest path Hot off their release of The Kidnap,  they casually made mention of this a few days back with a Twitter post. They stated they’d be releasing one more game this year.

Jisatsu is a found footage horror experience, which is a style of game Chilla’s Art hasn’t made yet!  Complete with a flashlight and fish eye lens, pre-release screenshots show the player exploring abandoned houses and dark tunnels.

A harsh overhead light illuminated a Japanese style home

I’m getting both Resident Evil 7 vibes, as well as The Bully Detective vibes, which I consider to be one of their best games.

The release date is still unannounced, but if it’s anything like The Kidnap, it will be released in just a few weeks, and sooner than that if they stick to their 2023 release window.

The Jisatsu Steam page is as sparse as all other Chilla’s Art games, so we can’t glean any info as to the story, and Chilla’s Art have been characteristically silent on Twitter as well.

Jisatsu in Japanese directly translates to suicide. This is a pretty bold title, but coming off of The Kidnap,  Chilla’s Art seems to be doubling down on some heavy subject matter.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what Jisatsu has to offer when it releases(hopefully)soon.


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