Home » How to Beat Lucas in Dead Signal
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How to Beat Lucas in Dead Signal

Dealing with Dead Signal's Assassin

by James

Lucas is a returning antagonist in Dead Signal, first coming from the Welcome to the Game series. He’s a master assassin who is dispatched to clean up those who stray too deep into the dark web.  In Dead Signal he’ll be one of the more dangerous killers you have to deal with as he’s active right from the start and trying to take you down for the entirety of the night.

You can read our full review of the incredible Dead Signal here

Ok, let’s talk about how to survive Lucas’ attempts on your life.

1. Lock it down

An unlocked front door of an apartment

First and foremost, lock down your apartment. As we talked about in our review, one of the key aspects of Dead Signal is securing your apartment from the various killers that hunt you over the course of the game. The code that locks your door changes automatically every half-hour or so, and failing to notice that change in the top right corner of your computer monitor makes you a sitting duck for anyone who walks in.  Lucas is no exception to this.

If you let it slip by for too long, you might hear a muttering of Polish before you turn to see him standing next to your desk, and a game over screen soon after.

2. Watch for the laser sight

A laser light is scanning the living room of a dimly lit apartment

In Dead Signal Lucas has been outfitted with a long-range rifle and a laser sight. Over the course of the night, he’ll post up on the neighboring buildings and aim through your windows.

This aspect of Lucas has been a source of frustration for players, myself included, as it’s been hard to find a consistent way to shake him once he starts scanning your apartment.

But first, spot the laser sight. All you need to do while working at the computer is press X to sit back, then look to your right. While looking over your shoulder you have full vision of the windows that look over your living room. If Lucas is searching for you, you’ll see his bright red laser scanning through those windows

It functions effectively as his line-of-sight.  When this happens, you can stand up and move freely around the apartment so long as you do not cross that red laser. Here’s what you need to do.

3. Kill lights and hide

A door to an apartment sits closed at the end of a long, dark hallway

When dealing with Lucas it’s always best to have as few lights on in the apartment as possible. As a general rule, whether I’m hiding from Lucas or not, I always keep the main light in the kitchen turned off. Should you leave it on when Lucas starts looking through your window, you won’t be able to reach the switch to turn it off without crossing his laser sight and being shot.  The fewer lights on, the shorter he’ll stick around while searching for you.

So, when first spotting Lucas’ laser sight, before standing up from the desk, turn off the desk lamp. Then, head towards the bedroom and kill the light on the wall outside the bedroom. Once inside, turn off all lights and hide under the bed for a minute or so.

4. Hide in the bedroom, not the bathroom

A laser light is scanning the living room of a dimly lit apartment

You’re totally safe from Lucas while you’re standing in the bedroom. He’ll scan the length of the living room through the windows but he won’t come over to the bedroom so you’re free to stand around. However, I think Lucas will leave faster if you’re hiding.  From the hiding spot beneath the bed, you won’t be able to see his laser sight, but it’s safe to pop up and check after a few moments to make sure he’s gone.

This interaction is a little tricky as the solution is simply best practices and patience. Just give him some time to scan the apartment and leave, and don’t get greedy by sneaking back to the computer, it’s a guaranteed death.

I would also recommend never hiding in the bathroom for a couple of reasons.  First, you’d need to cross through his laser sight to get there, which is almost certain death.

Secondly, if you get into the bathroom and hide in the bathtub, you can peek up and out of it to see if he’s still scanning the living room. While doing this, it puts you directly in the path of his laser, which, again, is certain death.

Should you get into the bathroom and close the door, then you’re totally blind to what’s going on outside which doesn’t help at all and can waste time as you inevitably play it safe and wait longer than needed before checking.

Lastly, do not make a break for it and leave your apartment while he’s searching for you. If you take the elevator up to the roof, he’ll greet you as the door opens and kill you with the same jumpscare as if you were sitting at the desk.

But that’s not the only thing you need to watch out for while heading to the roof.

5. Watch the rooftop

A man in a white mask stands on a dark rooftop

Yes, unfortunately, Lucas can also appear while heading to the roof to collect deliveries or repair the antenna.

Up here, he’ll present himself as he does while aiming his laser sight into your apartment. You’ll see the bright red laser slowly scanning the roof, searching for any movement.

The solution to this is simple. Leave.  Take the elevator back down to your apartment, kill a few moments in the hall, perhaps check that you closed your door, then head back up and he should be gone.

There’s no crouching in the game, so you can’t sneak past, and don’t try to sprint behind the rooftop ductwork, you won’t make it. This is another devious instance of Dead Signal trying its hardest to waste your time to ensure you get behind on your reports!

6. Be alert

This is the final answer to dealing with every killer in Dead Signal. Lucas is best faced by simply being very aware of your surroundings. Check over your shoulder often, spending a moment to ensure you can’t see his laser sight coming through the windows.

Double-check that your door is locked and your code is up to date, otherwise, he’ll sneak right into your apartment.

Don’t get impatient. When waiting for him to leave, just take a breath and give it some time. I know time is of the essence in Dead Signal, but a lost run wastes all time.

Lucas is a tough killer to face, and he’s activated at just about the very beginning of the game. But hopefully with these methods, you improve your chances of surviving the night.

If you’re struggling with Mr. Delfalco, read our guide here, or the returning killers from Welcome to the Game, Noir, here


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