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A character in a wheelchair aims a gun, while another character watches

Spotlight: Sin & Host: The Diner

Upcoming Survival Horror Game Looks To Channel The Classics

by James

Sin & Host: The Diner is a newly announced survival horror game by developer Rese.

YouTube video

Through info released by the developer, they shared that the game hopes to channel survival horror classics by emphasizing a fixed camera angle, limited inventory, and pre-rendered backgrounds.  The plot is similarly themed to the classics, as it follows dual protagonists Hanako and Aiko in search of their parents who went missing shortly after a zombie outbreak.

The trailer for Sin & Host: The Diner highlights tight apartment corridors, dimly lit rooms, and some excellent fixed-camera angle framing. The inspiration is immediately clear, even in the graphical differences between the pre-rendered background and more stylized character models.  It’s great to see the pre-rendered backgrounds done so authentically. There’s a special vibe and a certain kind of detailed realism on display that makes me very nostalgic–and excited!

A character stands at the and of a dark apartment hallway

An interesting spin here is that one of the protagonists uses a wheelchair. It’s great to see some representation in that way, and it poses many questions about how the character will navigate the environment and overcome obstacles that aren’t usually represented in video games. I hope the devs represent this character with the aim of empowerment, and while they may face unique struggles within the game, I hope they aren’t portrayed through the lens of disempowerment.

Both of the characters control differently, one featuring modern 3D control while the other is more classic tank controls. It’s alluded that there will be other strengths and weaknesses between the two as each sister will play differently.

A zombie lunges toward the chraracter

Sin & Host: The Diner is taking great strides to tick all the old-school boxes through inventory management, pre-rendered backgrounds, and fixed camera angles. What makes this exciting is the unique spin on the genre with dual protagonists with varying strengths and weaknesses. Sin & Host: The Diner is definitely something to keep an eye on.

You can add Sin & Host: The Diner to your Steam Wishlist Here

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